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Gematria Wikipedia
These gematriot are based on the first of four methods of calculating the numeral value of the letters of the Hebrew alpha. Known as Mispar Hekhreḥi, absolute or normative value, each letter is given a specific numerical equivalent. Alef equals 1, bet equals 2, gimmel equals 3, and so on until yod, the tenth letter, which equals 10. The next letter, kaf, equals 20, then lamed, which equals 30, and so on until kuf, which equals 100. The last three letters, resh, shin, taf, equal 200, 300, and 400, respectively. The final forms of the letters, kaf, mem, nun, pei, and ẓadi, used when these letters appear at the very end of a word, are often given the same numerical equivalent as the standard form of the letter. Sometimes, they are given the values 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900, respectively. This brings the numerical equivalencies of the Hebrew alphabet to 1,000, for the alef, the first letter can also symbolize 1,000. The most well-known type of gematria is the Hebrew gematria, which assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters. Each letter is assigned a numerical value from 1-400, with the letter aleph being equal to 1. There are various ways to calculate the value of words or phrases, but all involve totaling the numerical values of all letters in the word or phrase. Once the total has been determined, it can be used to uncover various meanings from the text. If you cherished this article and you simply would like to obtain more info concerning webpage please visit our own web-page. Thus, the alef equals 1, but so do the yod and the kuf, which equal 10 and 100 in the absolute or normative value system. In these last two systems, the five letters that have final forms are usually given the same value as the standard form of the letter. Greek gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to letters, words, and phrases. Each letter in the Greek alphabet is assigned a number (1-24), and these numbers can be used to calculate the numerical value of words and phrases. Gematria can be used to find hidden meanings in text, or to simply calculate the numeric value of a word or phrase. The most common type of gematria used today is the Jewish system, which assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters. For example, the letter Aleph (א) is assigned a value of one, while the letter Beth (ב) is given a value of two.
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